Around The Block Talk

A resource blog about marketing advice that works to maximize business growth.

Why A Website Is Important For Your Business

A business website is essential for credibility, lead generation, market reach, and sales. It enhances brand trust, SEO visibility, customer convenience, and provides a competitive edge.

Why Use Marketing Videos For Business

Why Use Marketing Videos For Business

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their audience and drive conversions. One powerful strategy that has gained immense popularity is video marketing. Leveraging video content can provide a multitude of benefits that traditional marketing methods simply cannot match.

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How Digital Marketing Automation Works

How Digital Marketing Automation Works

Digital marketing automation streamlines marketing efforts, enhances efficiency, and drives revenue by automating tasks like email marketing, social media management, and customer relationship management. It enables businesses to personalize content, improve lead nurturing, and gain better insights.

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How is a Website Built?

How is a Website Built?

Learn the collaborative process of building a professional website, focusing on strategy, design, SEO, and user experience to enhance your online presence and achieve business goals.

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How Video Content Marketing Helps Business

How Video Content Marketing Helps Business

Video content marketing has become a vital tool for businesses to stand out. By using visual storytelling, businesses can enhance customer engagement, boost brand awareness, improve SEO, increase conversion rates, and strengthen customer trust and loyalty. Implementing a strategic video marketing plan is crucial for maximizing these benefits.

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Why is Marketing Automation Important?

Why is Marketing Automation Important?

Marketing automation enhances efficiency, personalizes communication, provides valuable insights, and nurtures leads. Learn how these tools can streamline your marketing processes and drive business growth.

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Will a Website Help My Business?

Will a Website Help My Business?

Discover how a website can significantly benefit your business by enhancing credibility, increasing visibility, offering 24/7 accessibility, serving as a digital marketing hub, providing valuable customer insights, and giving you a competitive edge.

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What is Automated Email Marketing?

What is Automated Email Marketing?

Automated email marketing leverages technology to send personalized emails based on specific triggers, improving efficiency and engagement. Discover the benefits of automation, how drip email campaigns nurture leads, and tips for selecting the right tools.

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Why is Video Content So Powerful?

Why is Video Content So Powerful?

Video marketing stands out in brand marketing due to its unmatched engagement, wider reach, enhanced trust, and high conversion rates. Discover why incorporating video into your marketing strategy can significantly boost your brand’s visibility and effectiveness.

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How to Do Video Marketing

How to Do Video Marketing

Discover key strategies for successful video marketing. Today’s article covers everything from content strategy and video SEO to understanding social media algorithms and improving engagement metrics.

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How to Impress and Engage Leads From Hello

How to Impress and Engage Leads From Hello

Discover effective strategies to make a great first impression and maintain engagement with potential leads. Learn from Blu Bambu’s refined approach to building lasting client relationships and enhancing business growth.

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Building Client Trust with Effective Video Communication

Building Client Trust with Effective Video Communication

Embrace the power of video storytelling with Blu Bambu to revolutionize client communication and build lasting trust. Explore our innovative approach to using video in construction, landscaping, and more to bridge communication gaps and enhance project transparency. It’s all about effective video communication!

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Building Client Trust to Win Sales

Building Client Trust to Win Sales

Uncover the crucial role of trust in achieving sales success. Discover Blu Bambu’s strategic methods for building trust with clients, from showcasing work to leveraging SEO, for long-lasting business relationships.

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Master the Art of Closing the Sale without Stress

Master the Art of Closing the Sale without Stress

Unlock the secrets to closing the sale without stress. This guide reveals how adopting a service-oriented mindset, leveraging technology, and infusing personal touches can make closing deals an enjoyable and successful experience for both parties.

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How to Create Great Social Media Posts (Step by Step)

How to Create Great Social Media Posts (Step by Step)

Discover the art and science of creating impactful social media posts. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on crafting content that resonates, captivates, and leaves a lasting impression, perfect for businesses and professionals looking to amplify their social media strategy.

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Leveraging Marketing Automation for Client Retention

Leveraging Marketing Automation for Client Retention

Explore the transformative power of marketing automation in enhancing client retention. Dive into strategies for maintaining relationships and extracting valuable insights from past client interactions, paving the way for long-term success and growth.

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Educating Leads for Informed Sales: The Power of Knowledge in Closing Deals

Educating Leads for Informed Sales: The Power of Knowledge in Closing Deals

Discover the transformative power of educating leads for sales success. When customers are well-informed, they not only make confident purchasing decisions but also contribute to long-term business growth and reputation. Dive into the strategies behind creating leads that understand and value what you offer, making the closing process seamless and rewarding.

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Using Authentic Photography to Drive Lead Generation

Using Authentic Photography to Drive Lead Generation

Discover how high-quality, authentic photography can boost your brand’s reputation and lead generation efforts. Dive into the power of visual storytelling, the importance of image quality, and the strategies to select compelling content. Plus, grab a bonus eBook on mastering visual storytelling for business success!

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Using Your Website to Better Serve Your Clients

Using Your Website to Better Serve Your Clients

There are few tools as powerful as a website for connecting with your clients. A well designed website can provide them with an exceptional experience not only when they are a lead, but also when they are a client.

Here’s how we set up our websites to do just that.

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Using Your Website to Generate Leads

Using Your Website to Generate Leads

Discover the art of using your website to not only attract leads but to cultivate lasting client relationships. A website isn’t just a digital presence; it’s a bridge between your expertise and your clients’ needs, providing exceptional experiences from lead to loyal customer.

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Boosting Sales Retention with the Power of Video

Boosting Sales Retention with the Power of Video

By incorporating video into the retention step of the sales cycle, businesses can harness the influential power of their clients, secure impactful testimonials, incentivize video reviews, and maintain lasting relationships. You can place these videos on your social media pages, your website in both the regular content and the testimonials section, and you can share the videos with potential prospects via email or direct message. Whether you are a service professional or a contractor/construction business, embracing video as a strategic sales tool will enable you to engage customers in a fun, engaging, and professional way, leading to increased sales retention and growth in the long run.

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Master Your Sales Closing Process

Master Your Sales Closing Process

Defining your sales closing processes is a crucial step toward success for construction companies and service professionals. By implementing standardized procedures, organizing communication channels, setting clear expectations, and seamlessly connecting the closing step to the servicing step, you can elevate your customer experience and drive positive outcomes.

Remember, closing is not about getting another sale. It’s about connecting your clients to the next phase of service. When you leave your customers happy, you’ll be the first one they think about when they or their friends need your services again.

Don’t forget to download the Growth Ecosystem eBook and look at page 14 where we share how sales and closing fits into the Growth Ecosystem.

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Refining Your Campaign for Success 

Refining Your Campaign for Success 

Getting the audience, messaging, and channel right the first time is always better. It’s not always possible to get it 100% right. That’s why we recommend always monitoring your campaigns closely. The only way to ensure your campaign stays effective is continuous monitoring and correcting the course when the market shifts. If that sounds like a lot of work, it is. It’s why you need people on your team that are capable of helping you manage your marketing, whether that’s an internal team or a complimentary team like BluBambu.

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What You Didn’t Know About Client Retention

What You Didn’t Know About Client Retention

Through the use of testimonials, fine-tuning audience targeting based on feedback, and adjusting presentation and pitch to resonate with the audience, you can maximize your lead generation efforts. The retention step is not just about keeping customers; it’s an opportunity to create a ripple effect of new leads that can take your business to new heights.

If you’d like to learn more about how to leverage your client retention to generate leads, download the free guide included in today’s article.

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Leveraging Your Biggest Closing Tool: Your Website

Leveraging Your Biggest Closing Tool: Your Website

Your website is not just a virtual billboard; it’s an opportunity to turn leads into sales. By creating engaging landing pages, offering informative brochures and downloads, leveraging existing information to build trust, and managing expectations, you’ll be well
on your way to boosting your business growth.

To help you develop your website as a sales tool, we’ve included a guide to maximizing your sales conversions.

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3 Missing Details From Your Services

3 Missing Details From Your Services

With knowledge of building and maintaining your reputation, documenting your process, and continuously monitoring and implementing improvements, you can significantly enhance your ability to share what you do effectively and stand out from the competition.

Effective marketing is not just communicating about what you do; it’s communicating what your clients need to hear.

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Harnessing the Power of Video for Lead Generation

Harnessing the Power of Video for Lead Generation

Videos have become an indispensable tool for generating leads. You can captivate your audience, showcase your expertise, and foster meaningful connections with potential customers.

If you want to delve deeper into the world of lead generation, download the Ultimate Guide to Generating Leads. In it you will learn invaluable insights on lead generation and how to monitor and optimize your lead generation strategies.

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How to Recession Proof Your Business

How to Recession Proof Your Business

The number one thing that our successful clients do even during recessions is invest in their businesses. They don’t perceive a bad economy as a problem, but an opportunity. They keep a positive mindset and look for problems they can fix. And when they come out on the other side, they are stronger and richer for it.

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Is Your Sales Funnel Working?

Is Your Sales Funnel Working?

When you are building, or rebuilding, your sales funnel, you need to have well defined steps for your audience to go through. When you have a clear funnel process, you can more easily increase your lead generation and sales.

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3 Simple Changes To Close More Clients

3 Simple Changes To Close More Clients

Statistics show that successful companies close about 20-30% of their leads. 20% is on the low side, while 30% is considered high-performing. But how can you move your business from the low-performance 20% towards the high-end of 30%?

Here are three things you can change today.

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Marketing Is a Dirty Word

Marketing Is a Dirty Word

If you’re like a lot of small business owners, you might think that marketer is a synonym for “scam artist.” Sadly, that has been true far too many times. And even if you don’t think of marketing as a scam, you probably don’t want to spend a large amount of money on something with no guarantee of making that money back. Download a free copy of the The Ultimate Guide to Generating Leads and learn how you can create a profitable and efficient lead generation process.

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Why Client Retention Matters

Why Client Retention Matters

Business tends to be a numbers game. In order to get enough sales, you have to have enough leads. If you want to grow your sales, grow your leads right?

Of course… but getting more leads is not simple, and it requires something many businesses forget to consider: lead generation data.

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Creating a Customer Focused Culture

Creating a Customer Focused Culture

Business tends to be a numbers game. In order to get enough sales, you have to have enough leads. If you want to grow your sales, grow your leads right?

Of course… but getting more leads is not simple, and it requires something many businesses forget to consider: lead generation data.

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Overcoming Objections

Overcoming Objections

Business tends to be a numbers game. In order to get enough sales, you have to have enough leads. If you want to grow your sales, grow your leads right?

Of course… but getting more leads is not simple, and it requires something many businesses forget to consider: lead generation data.

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It’s Not (Just) About More Leads

It’s Not (Just) About More Leads

Business tends to be a numbers game. In order to get enough sales, you have to have enough leads. If you want to grow your sales, grow your leads right?

Of course… but getting more leads is not simple, and it requires something many businesses forget to consider: lead generation data.

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3 Keys for Generating Leads with Video

3 Keys for Generating Leads with Video

Selling your products or services with social media is less easy than a lot of people make it out to be. If you believe their pitch, all you have to do is buy their course, use their system, and magically make money overnight. But if it was really that easy, everyone would be rich. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t use social media to sell your services. We help many of our clients use social media to sell, and the platform we use the most is LinkedIn. Get the Free Download Guide

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