Refining Your Campaign for Success 

by | ATBT

“ As we monitor a campaign, we are constantly looking for indications of success or failure.”

So let’s say that your marketing campaign isn’t producing many leads. What do you do now? Do you scrap the campaign and start over? Do you double down and wait to see where the campaign ends?

As we monitor a campaign, we are constantly looking for indications of success or failure. Clicks on links, form submissions, calls, and scheduled appointments are all great indicators of whether what we are doing is working. But if we are finding that what we are doing isn’t working, this is how we fix the campaign.

Revisit The Initial Target Audience

First, we look at the target audience we created for the campaign

Identifying a target audience involves conducting thorough market research to understand industry trends, competitors, and customer preferences, analyzing demographic data to define the characteristics of potential customers, and delving into psychographic profiling to understand their values, interests, and motivations. Customer segmentation and creating buyer personas help tailor marketing efforts to specific subsets of the audience.

We re-examine the data and buyer personas to see whether there are any errors or holes in the data. Our goal is to ensure that we know with as much certainty as possible who we are talking to. Sometimes we find that the initial audience was close to correct but is missing details which we have uncovered since the start of the campaign. For example, in one campaign we saw that our target audience had failed to include a job title we learned about as we made phone calls.

Since this is the foundational step in creating a campaign, it’s also where we start when looking for reasons why our marketing didn’t connect.

Analyzing the Content

Second, we look at the content we’ve been making.

Once we know that who we’ve been talking to is correct, we look at what we’ve been saying. Every interaction is valuable when analyzing your campaign’s content. Whether they say no or yes, if people are responding to content, you will be able to find what is motivating them. If we see that 60% of interactions happen on a specific post, we want to look more closely at that post. What made people respond to it, positively or negatively? What was their response?

Once you know what worked and what didn’t you can replicate those types of posts in your adjusted campaign. To identify what’s working, look at these things:

– Type of post (video, picture, words, etc.)
– Topic
– Key phrases used
– Audience responses

Adjusting the Message

When adjusting the messaging, you don’t need to discard everything. This is the step that requires a little bit of creativity and is more art than science. Sometimes you only need to tweak the idea to better fit the new audience. Here are a few questions you can use to determine whether your post needs to change and, if so, how much.

– Is the audience of this post the same as the updated audience?
– Does the topic still address the concerns of the audience?
– Do the words used match the kinds of words the audience uses?
– What concepts (if any) are missing from the current post?

Adjusting Channels

The last thing we look at is the method of conveying the message. Sometimes you will find that the channel you are sending the message on is not the correct one.

For example, LinkedIn is not necessarily the best place to advertise construction messages targeted towards residential clients. But if a construction company that has been using Facebook discovers that the majority of their clients use LinkedIn regularly, it is beneficial to switch the messaging channels to include LinkedIn. The same is true for companies in service businesses as well. Make sure you are using the channels that your audience is using.

In Conclusion

Getting the audience, messaging, and channel right the first time is always better. It’s not always possible to get it 100% right. That’s why we recommend always monitoring your campaigns closely. The only way to ensure your campaign stays effective is continuous monitoring and correcting the course when the market shifts. If that sounds like a lot of work, it is. It’s why you need people on your team that are capable of helping you manage your marketing, whether that’s an internal team or a complimentary team like BluBambu.

If you have a campaign that isn’t delivering on it’s potential, we’d be happy to take a look at it and give you some honest complementary feedback. Just schedule a strategy session and we can go through your campaign together.

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