Why LinkedIn Will Grow Your Business
“Why do we use LinkedIn so much and why do we promote it as a marketing channel for our clients?”
Who is LinkedIn good for?
All of the benefits which LinkedIn provides comes back to the fact that it was created to be a platform centered around business. That focus allows business people to connect with and interact with other business people intentionally and without the careful dance that you have to do on Facebook to avoid coming across as salesy. Marketing on LinkedIn is perfect if you’re offering a service or product to other businesses (B2B). This is a huge category that encompasses many types of businesses from coaching, commercial construction, recruiting, software, financial, legal, tech, training, and more. If you serve any type of business then you should be on LinkedIn!LinkedIn is a Multi-touch Channel
A multi-touch channel allows a business like ours at Blu Bambu to connect with potential clients and build relationships with them. We connect through posts and engagement on those posts. We send them direct messages to start the conversation. And we are able to take the conversation off of LinkedIn easily. While other social media channels allow you to do most of what you can do on LinkedIn, LinkedIn makes it easier and more intuitive.
LinkedIn Connects Directly to Your Audience
Your audience needs to hear about you from you. And social media allows you to speak directly to them. Without the middle-men from traditional marketing, you can quickly respond to your audience’s concerns or questions. LinkedIn has better connections than other social media, so your audience is more likely to be bought in to communicating with you.LinkedIn Is About Personal Brand
While Facebook and other social media allow businesses to create business pages, the brands are intended to be more impersonal on those platforms. LinkedIn has fewer business page options than Facebook or Instagram, but the people who run those businesses are better able to share their brand in a personal way because of it.
Rather than a brand being the first thing a person sees, the person behind the brand is emphasized. Having your personal brand visible makes it easier for your audience to see and connect with you. Since you aren’t a nameless and faceless corporation, you will have better interactions with potential clients. And it allows you to do so on a massive scale that you can’t get from standard networking.
Reach Decision Makers, Generate Leads
LinkedIn is a unique platform unlike other social media channels. It’s unique because it gives you a straight-line to decision makers. Unlike other platforms, having the ability to connect, create rapport and show how you solve their problems, LinkedIn is the perfect place for you and your business to generate more leads and sales.
We have seen a great deal of success from using LinkedIn to connect with people like you and add value, build relationships and generate leads. If you want to know how to implement LinkedIn marketing for your company or receive an audit of your current efforts, we’re happy to speak with you. Schedule a free strategy session to talk.
Have some questions about your marketing? Schedule a free 30 min. strategy call.
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