Is Your Website a Vanity Metric?

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“I just need a website. It has to have all my stuff on it. I need good pictures, and my logo. And all my product info.”

Real or Not?

I can’t tell you how many times I have heard that exact phrase or a variation on it. Pretty much every small business in America today knows that they need a website. It’s easy to say you need a website. It’s NOT easy to say ***why*** you need one. To most companies, it’s the thing you need to be considered a “real” business.

Your Most Important Tool

But a website is so much more. It’s a marketing tool. It’s a sales tool. It’s a communications platform. It’s a trust builder for potential clients. It’s a speech platform that isn’t limited by community guidelines. It’s one of the single most important tools in your businesses’ tool box.

It Has a Purpose

Which brings us to the question. How are you using your website? Are you even using your website? Or, is your website just another vanity metric (similar to the like button on Facebook)?


You can do a lot more with your marketing with a website that fits into a strategy. And if you need help figuring out what that looks like, start by downloading the PDF below on “Marketing and Your Website.” And then schedule a free consultation with us at Blu Bambu.

Let us help you turn your website into something you not only love, but also use every day.

Have some questions about your marketing? Schedule a free 30 min. strategy call.

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