4 Areas Your Website Has To Get Right

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What do you expect from a new website?.”

3 Reasons You Should Start Your Marketing Now

So you’re ready to get a new website.

But before you go running out to schedule an appointment with a design agency, let me ask you a question. What do you expect from a new website?

A lot of companies don’t know what to expect from a new website other than a new look. The truth is, there is so much more to a good website than a new design and a fancier look.

Here are 4 Things to Consider Before Rebuilding Your Website

  • Design: While your website shouldn’t only look nice, it does need to have a good design. Good designs help sell. Part of what that involves is how it looks on different sized screens. Your website should look good whether it’s on a tablet, or phone, as well as a desktop computer.
  • Copy & Messaging: Good copy and messaging involves more than having decent grammar. It is about using the space available in your website and aligned with your brand and design in a way that helps your audience understand and encourages them to buy. Good agencies will offer copywriting services to help you create a website that utilizes word-space well.
  • Functionality: I have seen websites that looked great…. Until you tried to use them. While the way your website looks is important, you need to have the right plugins, back- links, and forms that will give your website the functionality that will help your business.
  • Accessibility and Growth Potential: Your website is an investment in your company’s future. A good investment should be designed to work not only today, but also when your company grows. Make sure your website is able to be updated easily (without needing to tear it apart and rebuild it just to change one button). A good website is able to grow with your company. Websites will need to be rebuilt as technology changes and grows. But your website shouldn’t need to be rebuilt every year or two if it is built right. Make sure you select an agency that will help you build a durable and strong website that will not only function today, but last through tomorrow.


At Blu Bambu, we aim to help our clients build not only websites, but marketing that works today, and is ready to grow with your company. All you need to do to get started with Blu Bambu is sign up for a free, no obligation, consultation. We would love to help you create a marketing strategy that works!


Have some questions about your marketing? Schedule a free 30 min consultation.

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