3 Ways to Find Your Perfect Marketing Team

by | theBlog

“It’s time to look at your team.”

Over the past few weeks we have talked about the important elements of planning your marketing strategy and coming up with campaigns. But this week we will try to help you wrap up your planning and scheduling. This does not mean you will have all your content created. You will of course need to create content as you go so you don’t overwhelm yourself, and so that you can adapt your content based on the responses you receive.

This week, it’s time to look at your team.

Making your own video.

What content are you going to create?

When trying to figure out your team, even if you are going to hire someone else to help you, the type of content you are going to create will alter who you need on your team. Are you going to be using video that will need to look professional both in filming and editing? Will you need graphic design for posters, mailers, or emails? Even if you can create some of the content yourself, which pieces will you create?

Once you know which types of content you will create and what skills you need to use to create them, you can start talking to either internal team members or an external marketing team.

Who will post your content?

Creating the content may seem like the hardest part. But it’s not. You need to make sure that your posts are going out regularly and on time. There are some tools you can use to schedule your social media posts and blogs. But either way you can’t eliminate the element of time. Either you will be using your own (or your team’s) time to keep everything posted consistently or you will pay someone outside your company to manage it for you.

Who will manage and oversee the content?

Even when you have an external team helping you with creating and posting content, you will need to review and approve posts. You can keep out of the details of creating and maintaining but you will still need to make sure your team is staying on track and producing the content in accordance with your strategy.

You Have to Choose

Choosing your team gets you to the starting line. You can’t have content without people to produce it. With your team selected you can begin to prepare by sharing your strategy with them so that they can understand what they are creating and when, and help you produce content that you can be proud of.

If you don’t know whether you should get an internal or external team, we’re here to help. We have free strategy sessions where we can help you understand the benefits for both options. And if you are in our Marketing Course we will be discussing this in greater detail. We also have a fantastic checklist you can download below! We look forward to serving you in whatever way we can.

We have created a marketing training course available only to those who sign up below that includes a monthly zoom strategy call, and a private discord group where you will get to ask questions, get answers, strategies, and customized solutions that will make marketing work for your business.

Confused about whether this is the right fit or need specific answers now? Schedule a free strategy call to get you started!

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