3 Red Flags that Indicate a Bad Marketing Agency

by | Around The Block Talk

My friend is good with computers,

he says he can build me a website for cheap.

3 Reasons You Should Start Your Marketing Now

Everyone with a computer seems to think they can build a professional website and start making money. And unfortunately, many of them repeat the same tired formulas their mentors taught them in a 3 hour $40 dollar online-marketing course.

But not every small agency is a scam. Sometimes, a good deal looks very similar to a scam. How can you tell the difference. What are the warning signs to look for?

Here are three red flags to look for when trying to figure out whether an agency is willing and able to help you or just looking to pad their pockets

1) One-size solutions

Marketing is complex. When one thing is out of whack it can affect far more than just the thing itself. Beware companies that tell you you need to change just one thing to fix your marketing. A friend of mine hired a company to fix his SEO but didn’t see any changes to his bottom line. If they present their single solution as the promise to all of your marketing problems, it’s time to run.

2) Their own marketing is outdated or just plain bad

I have seen too many marketing companies who have websites and marketing that looks like it was put together by a colorblind 2 year old stuck repeating his favorite word. If they can’t fix their own problems, how can they fix yours?

3) They make big promises about your income growth

I’m sure you’ve seen the promises made by internet marketers on YouTube. Instant growth. Millions of dollars of income. Success untethered from effort. Good marketing companies won’t make promises. They will work to give you the things they know lead toward success and make improvements as they go, but they won’t promise you that your products will fly off the shelves and you will be suddenly rich.


If you see these red flags, it’s time to look at a different agency. But how can you recognize a good agency? Download the link below for the seven signs of a good marketing agency. We have put together a handy guide for analyzing a marketing agency so you can get the most out of your marketing dollars whether you work with BluBambu or not.


Have some questions about your marketing? Schedule a free 30 min consultation.

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